Friday, September 7, 2012

Feng Shui with a Twist of Lime - Please!

Call me crazy but I was on one of shopping runs to Target and what did I find, but several new color palettes in the home décor section!  One of my favorite colors popped up, and that color is lime.  It’s a little earthy palette I was zoning in on.  It was mixed with classic neutrals and then there it was my color, lime.  Honestly, this color uplifts me every time I see it.  It’s true, it will awaken your senses if you’re sitting and reading at your computer.  It will evoke a memory (hopefully a happy one) and inspire some creative thinking.  My new color palette included slate grey, dove grey, turquoise and lime.  Where was I going to use this new palette?  In my office!

After I got home from Target, I ran to my Color & Texture Bible to see if I could find this scheme.   There it was on page 146 in the Naturals section labeled “vibrant”.  The color lime is vibrant.  When you say it, several visuals come to mind.  I don’t need to paint you a picture, you can see it in your mind and you’re probably wondering what I mean, Feng Shui with a twist of lime.  And you’re wondering why Feng Shui?  Let me tell you, I have my reasons for Feng Shui, I needed uplifting and I found my answers to feeling so drab in the Office Feng Shui, Creating Harmony in your Work Space book written by Darrin Zeer.

First I want to help you quickly understand Feng Shui, because I am always being asked, “Do you do Feng Shui?”   To which I always reply, “Sometimes, do you?”  The truth is most people don’t understand the concept but would love to put Feng Shui into practice.  I can tell you that a little harmony and positive energy is all I was looking for.  So here goes, Feng Shui is a design principle.  To understand the art of Feng Shui, it’s important to be aware of this eastern belief that there is hidden moving power within/through our space.  The theory comes from China from about the 1700’s and it’s the practice of working with energy as it flows through our environments.  The Chinese call this energy “Chi.” The Chinese believe that the placement of objects should be in harmony with their “chi” or energy to bring harmony.  What wall should the mirror go on?  What position should my desk be in at my office?  These are the kinds of questions I get asked and today I want to incorporate the principles of Feng Shui.  I’m using my new office space to show you how to the incorporate these basic principles of Feng Shui as I understand it.

My plight begins with my cluttered, unharmonious desk.  It was a 9-month disgrace; a garbage dump of unfinished projects.  We moved into our new office in January and this was the first moment I had to de-clutter my space.  While working here, I was avoiding it.  To say I was ready for this was an understatement.

 In this office make-over, I will de-clutter, organize and Feng Shui my work space.  That was a mouthful and I haven’t even given you a visual.  So here’s my messy, disorganized space.  The first principle that Zeer wants you to adopt is to de-clutter.   Do not encourage messy desk syndrome because you can’t accomplish anything you want, let alone be creative and take phone calls on a desk with chaos all around you.  A clear desk, a clear mind is the thought here.  The next second principle is organization.  Organize the areas of your desk with the Desktop Map of Success.  
What the map of success says is create zones or areas on your desktop to maximize the flow of energy.  I’ve created the map for you to look at above.  

Do you see the zones, Courage, Care, Calm, Connectivity and Creativity.  Nice choice of harmonious words and super layout if you have such a perfect desk.  I do not have this desk, I have an “L” shaped desk layout.  I’ve interpreted the best way I can and it really works off of creativity being central and with the other areas, falling into place like the drawing below. 

You see my desk here in the visual.  See how each area is defined by Feng Shui and how the elements are to lay out by task.  This harmony or balance of energy on your desk is supposed to create positive Chi.  It should rev up your ability to communicate effectively, be creative and have courage to use good business principles.  Are you on board yet?  In case you’re not, here is a little more proof that there is something positively unique to Feng Shui.

What this new layout has done for me, my desk and my outlook, is positive.  Three to four days from completing this design, I was given a tip for someone that needed a renovation.  It took me three-four phone calls to accomplish a connection.  My courage was moving the phone to my left.  I don’t know why, but that has always been successful for me.  I attribute it to that I need a lot of courage in contacting people.  I don’t want to be annoying when it comes to that, so I shy away from more than one phone call.  This time, I did not.  I figured I had nothing to lose by continually trying to connect with the potential client.  It worked.  I have a client and I really attribute it to something that I believe Feng Shui teaches, positive attitude.  My attitude is changed.  I can look at my tree picture and feel so grounded.  I can place my computer monitor and tablet in the center and know that I am creating good.  I see positive, I feel positive, I believe positive.  That’s my story on Feng Shui with a twist of lime.  My finished redesigned desk project is below {you can click on it and see it larger.}

The last point I want to tell you is important also.  The elements I chose for this project have to do with Feng Shui and what elements must be represented in a successful design.  The elements are: fire, wind, air, earth and water.  The elements you choose must be represented from these five elements.  The elements are driven by Chi and flow through them.  My earth was the lime color, like the green carpet tile and soft back pillow.  The fire, red poppy fields of the photo represents my courage.  The water was the teal accents and the wind was dove grey, and represented by the dove on the desk in the caring section next to creativity.  The fire was also the shiny metal objects, the pails of shells and starfish.  This is how I relate to people and put in the connectivity section of my desk.  The photo shown below details the elements I purchased, and brought from home.  They were in line with the new color palette and the principles of Feng Shui.

Whether your desk needs a makeover or you want to incorporate the principles of Feng Shui at home, they are easy to incorporate and will yield good results.  If you have a desire to work with an Interior Designer and learn more about Feng Shui, give me a call! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Website Launch!

I've finally managed to create my Interior Design Website and would love any feedback you can give me.
Here is the address:  FLA-designer.  {click on the link}

Until I merge the site to WIX, it will show wix logos.  After I move the site, it won't be noticeable.  Thank you, please feel free to leave comments/suggestions.

Friday, August 17, 2012

What's Up Dude?

When I started on this journey one year ago, I never thought I would be able to design myself.  Or should I say design enough stuff.  Why, do I want to design stuff?  Because I live and breath in design.  You know some people are spiritual and always have the nice things to say when we're down.  Well, I'm your friend that always can help you see a new color, texture, or just a cool "dude" saying.  My eldest son is such a "dude bro."  You know what I mean, they walk around all quiet saying little jokes that only their BFF dude bro understands.  They watch TV shows called, "Bully Beat Down" and "Ridiculousness".  Are you smiling yet?  Do you know a Dude?  I have two dudes at home and this is really just my desire to capture them in the colors and textures.  I'm putting them on sale over at my Etsy store.  {I still love that platform and love all the craftsmen there.}  The links will be below if you want to see them in more detail at the Etsy store.  Have a great day today, and make something creative!  It does the mind good. :)

The layout that inspired "Dude":)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Beautiful Graduation Announcement

The amount of love, time and effort that goes into bringing up the children is amazing.  I thank God everyday for my daughters.  This daughter is celebrating a milestone, graduation from 8th Grade.  I'm still dealing with it and don't want to let her go.  Yet it comes with freedom to let them "fly" from the nest and become whom they are to be.  I can't help but keep in the back of my mind, "Go forth and be the change you wish to see in the world." ~Mahata Gandhi

One of my favorite quotes by Gandhi and I believe fitting for my daughter and son who are celebrating their graduation together.  Ricky, the eldest boy, will graduate from high school.  He has a scholarship to a local college and will be spending more time at home working and going to school.  I'm proud of him too, as he continues to make good decisions in spite of what is happening around him.  God bless, have a beautiful day.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Design on a shoe string budget, "An Artist's Loft"

When I saw those Jackson Pollackish walls, I was scared.  I mean, walls that have blackish paint splattered all over them are not something I’ve worked with before.  I had my opinion and it was not nice.  But, this was my daughter’s room.  I couldn’t show the least bit of dislike/hate for those walls.  I needed to smile and keep my mouth shut.  Until she mentioned it, then I would unload my opinion in a rather Jane Austin way, “can we paint them a cheerful color?” 
That was a good try on my part, but for Isabella Gonzalez, those walls were perfect, and I better just smile and move on.  There was no way on God’s green earth they were changing, {even if I sprung for the paint.}

My next mission was those rugs.  I mean, really, REALLY?  They are so dirty, “but Mom, I’m fine with it for now.” Swallow hard and move on.Surely, I can find something cozy, inviting to work with.  “Mom, work with the ceramics, and spread them out on the table.”  Okay, can I layer them? “Can I hang them on a shelf, how, what…”  My whole one hour was me feeling my way through the forest blindly!
“Mom, don’t get mad, but I’m going to re-do the ceramic area.”  “No problem, can I vacuum the rugs?”  “Oh yes, please, they really need it.”  {They need to be thrown out.}  The $15 Bissell vacuum did a great job, I only had to empty it five times and meanwhile, I’m sneezing uncontrollably.  They looked 50% better after that, another Jane Austin suggestion, “I remember seeing a beautiful red Persian in one of the stores.”  “Mom, what size,” she asks. “Um, a 6’ x 9’”, I stammer.  I am so lying, but she won’t give me my way no matter what!

“Your Dad and I are going for lunch, how about we let you finish up?” “Sure, can you bring me back lunch?”  When we got back, it was in this set up.  At that moment, I knew, this really was perfect for her.  The floor plan is 20’ x 20’.  She can do her artwork there in her room and not really ruin anything.  {At her other place, she couldn’t do that, for fear of getting paint on everything.} She displays her artwork, reads, sleeps, relax all in 400 square feet of space.  She can participate in gallery shows outside the room in the common area.  That was a BIGGIE.   Artists need to commune, critique and grow with other artists.  This space is all that and a slice of bread.  I’m so proud of her for finding this on her own.  She even had 50% moved over before we got there.  All she needed was grunt Father to install shelves, and grunt Mother to find suggest her furniture choices.  I get it!  I’m here to tell her, “it’s you, all YOU flower!”

Sunday, April 22, 2012

5x7 Folded Card

Happy Grandma Collage Mother's Day Card
Shutterfly cards for Mother's Day, Valentines Day, Birthdays & more.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Confessions from an Interior Designer (who hates cleaning)

It’s true, I love my cleaning products because they help me get the job done.  When I had to work 9-5 Monday – Friday, I had to reserve Saturdays for cleaning.  Now that I’m stay-at-home homeschool Mom, a term I do not take for granted, but appreciate, I confess, I need my cleaning products!  For me it’s deeper than cleaning, it’s maintaining a 3500 square foot home that has general routine maintenance, lest it looks “worn”.  And that is undeniably the last thing this interior designer wants her home to look.

So here it is, the top 7 list of can’t live without products, that you might want to consider.  In no particular order:

Rubber gloves – need these because well, I like to tell the manicurist that my hands don’t see water!  I prefer the more glamorous ones “Gloveables, black cheetah”.  Believe me, it’s a mind-set and those gloves get me on a roll.  Bottom line is that rubber gloves are protection for your pretty hands and that’s why I love them!

Old English Polish – favorite “go-to” for all my Indonesian wood furniture and wood trim.  Whenever there’s a scratch, this stuff handles it.  It’s referred to by some as “stain-in-a-bottle.”  I like it but remember when you use it, to wear  your gloves.  This stuff stains and needs dry time.  So don’t be rubbing up against whatever you use it on, it’s as strong as stain so use with caution.

Tarn-X – tarnish remover, for your silver, platinum, gold and diamonds.  Yeah, it works on diamonds.  I’ve not tried that, but it says you can.  I use it on my silverware because I’m old school and I still have silver lying around.  I’m about to phase those serving pieces out, but for the meantime, it’s the perfect go-to and if your tarnish is really built up, pour it into Tupperware and let those babies soak!

Tru Bamboo Oil and Wipes – my friend owns this business and gave this to me, but I highly recommend you buy it.  It works on your bamboo cutting boards.  This product is sold in Florida at Publix Supermarket.  Bamboo is a natural plant so it tends to dry out. Plus, I also have bamboo designed into my house, so I use it on that too.  But, get the wipes because they further the oils penetration/
absorption.  A regular cloth just soaks up, the wipes aid in spread. 

Goo Gone – I am asked repeatedly about “sticker glue”.  This is your product.  It takes off anything sticky.  So when your kids grow out of the sticker phase and you need to clean up, use this.  You can also use it on lipstick, crayon, anything gummy.  I highly recommend it be in your tool cleaning box.

Murphy Oil Soap – It’s been awhile, and I remember the smell of this at my Grandmother’s house.  It’s for wood furniture that is dark in stain.  I use this because the majority of my furniture is dark and it looks dusty/dull over time.  This product seems to breathe new life into its finish.  I put it on a cloth, add water and wipe down.  Easy and fast, this product is the perfect go to when you need to add some shine back into your furniture.
Goof Off – this is a powerful one.  I only use this when necessary because it’s like nail polish remover.  It works for taking off paint, ink, anything that won’t come off, will with this.  I don’t use this on soft surfaces, it is for hard surfaces like tile, terrazzo, slate (sometimes carpet).  Test a small area first and then go to it.  It is extremely strong smelling so use it in a ventilated area.

Alright, now for some love, if you landed here and I gave you something you can use, give me some love and leave me a comment or if you’re feeling really good and you want to make me smile, “follow”.  Thank you, have a wonderful day!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Luminous Days, Color #300

Happy to show you my latest big project.  Our home was repainted and I used Benjamin Moore #300, #299 & #297.  Color #300 is called Luminous Days, which is fitting for me because we're in the sunshine state and well, it was time to say goodbye to "turtle green."  As an interior designer, I have been stuck in my green period.  These beautiful yellow colors came to me from all my pool towels!  Imagine that, my inspiration.  It doesn't really matter, what matters is that my house now reads as "cheerful" and that is exactly what I was going for.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Carnival - Circus Fun Trinket Box

This is a new addition to our sculpture collection.
It was at Joanne Berkow's Gallery.
I think it's adorable.
This piece has a lid that opens up where
you can put all your trinkets.
It was sitting on top of the ceramic
column and stands about 12" high.
Thanx for looking.  :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Gifts under $10

I am on a quest this year to find and create gifts that are under $10.  This might sound cheap, but I have a big family and this year, I am pouring on the creativity!  I hope you enjoy this section of my blog, it's going to be monthly for this category.  As always, thank you for stopping by, leave me a comment when you get a minute.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Layout of the Year!

After a wonderful holiday, I am excited to post my new layouts.  As well, my new kit:  Lil' Monkey.  This kit has all the yummy colors to scrap your favorite memories to.  Pink, yellow, aqua and chartreuse green - all coordinated and ready for some fun.  I hope you enjoy this kit, I will post a free item towards the end of the week, so please check back!  CLICK ANY IMAGE TO SEE IT LARGER.

The numbers are part of the kit.  They are not shown, however, they are part of the kit if you purchase the whole of it.
This layout features the "feltie" babysister monkey.  Part of the kit and you can use it to create the cute party invitation like I did below.
This was the inviation that I created using all the elements!

This kit is an exclusive by me.  It's available for sale on my website.  It costs $12.00.
The papers and elements will be sold separately, if you are only interested in them.
This kit features 14 digital designed papers and 40 elements!  It was a joy to create, thinking of my nephews and niece when creating it. 
Thank you.