Monday, November 28, 2011


Blank Project Design Mug
Send Shutterfly Valentine's Day cards to those closest to you.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Flowers, Crowns & Buntings, Oh My!

My Mother-In-Laws 75th Birthday Party was a hit!  Here are some photos that capture the design and how I decorated for this wonderful celebration!

Cricut for the Crown (Storybook Cartridge)
Tissue paper for the flowers
Bunting:  Handmade with flowers cut from Cricut

Here was the invitation:

Later, my Father-In-law asked, "where were the cigars!"
Too funny, I told him, "next time Papi!"

Sunday, October 30, 2011

There's a change coming..

Do you know when change is coming?  I kinda do.  I guess I say that because I know when a full moon is coming.  Everything in my house goes a little crazy.  Well, I want to start working on a book for my Father.  This is the beginning, where we are now. 

You see, a change has happened to us.  Our family, my Father, Sister and I.  We have come together.  Since losing our Mother, it seems we've needed each other; like no other time in our lives.  I can't seem to put my finger on it, I just know a change is coming.  My sister is here and doing well.  She's become the confident woman I've always know she could be.  She's strong and makes me always laugh at myself and her!  She's been a welcome surprise to Florida this year.  She lives down the street from me and I love seeing her and her son on the weekends. 

Sometimes she's sitting at the table and she's laughing and I almost start to cry because she reminds me so much of my Mother.  Dang, it happens again.  Families are like that - we resemble each other.  We are the mirrors of each other - our parents.  I see it in my own children.  I was most inspired for this layout to get the photo in the middle of my Father with my Sister, Rose.  They look like their talking about something in-depth or serious.  Thing is, they are just having small talk now.  We have to comfort my Father because his memory is going.  His disease, Parkinson's does that, it's stolen his memory.  But, he is doing good for his age.  He's coming up on 75 next year.  I need my Sister like I need water.  She makes me laugh....I hope I make her laugh too, now there's a good change!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Miami Brights Collection

Well, I finally got this kit of paper finished and packed up!  It's bright and cheerful and I even created a colorway that goes with Halloween.  Last year I did Halloween in a big way and this year, I am settling for a paper pack.  Hope you like this and feel free to visit my Etsy shop where you can purchase this adorable pack.

Thanx for looking, and feel free to leave a comment.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Just Fishin'

Well, this is for all those people who love being on the water!  For you, it's fishing, playing and enjoying the outdoors.  I've created papers, elements and clusters from the Fishing Collection.  Hope you like it, and check out "My Gallery" for the layouts to see how I used it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Robotics - Released!

This little boy, Jacob, has inspired me to create a whole line of robotic scrapbook graphics.  Do you like?  I am crazy for the colors and the way it shows a lot of movement.  It is difficult to achieve movement on a flat plane! I hope you like it, please feel free to leave me a message.  Thank you  :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Faith - The Story of John the Baptist

I posted some art earlier this week - My Picnic Kit collection.  Now I'd like to post some "Faith".  The name of my blog has been changed to Faith, Love & Art because I believe that all three are essential to creating enjoyable art.  My son and I are on this journey of homeschooling.  He is in 6th grade and we are teaching the Mother of Divine Grace Curriculum.  I received this curriculum from my awesome Sister-In-Law.  She has homeschooled it to her children for many years.  It is a program that I am enjoying and would recommend to you.  My faith blog for today is this passage from the Bible Luke 1:5-31.  It is the Infancy of John the Baptist and Jesus.  In this reading we meet Zecharia the husband of Elizabeth.  An angel appears to Zecharia and tells him that his wife is about to have a baby and that he will free many men and lead them to Jesus (his cousin).  When I read this story to my son, he was full of joy.  He could understand the cousin thing and a man being afraid of an angel inasmuch that he did something wrong and the appearance of an angel was frightening.  He even understood when Zecharia accepted what the angel was telling him.  Everything was going along fine, until I opened my big mouth and told him that when Mary went to visit Elizabeth, the baby, John, lept for joy in her womb.  That was the breaking point.  There comes a time when information is too much.  Maybe it was the fact that he was a male and because males don't carry babies in their stomach they don't understand such things.  I'm not sure.  He just had a hard time understanding that a baby can "leep" in a woman's womb.  He just could not wrap his brain around this.  When I realized how difficult it was for him, I backed off.  I later talked to my husband and he said he would talk to him.  I'm not sure what they talked about.  My internal struggle is to not discuss, bring up, or mention anything more about this.  Until he has another question, my lips are sealed.  Some of you know me, some of you do not.  For those of you that don't this is really hard for me!  It could be hard for anyone.  The curriculum has daily (10-15 minutes) of religion and the concept of angels was this week.  We looked up different times the good angels appeared to people in the Bible and there is are things to discuss and think about.  This religion is taught from The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Cathechism.  This Cathechism book is wonderful; I just need to stay on track.  When you love your faith and you embrace your faith, its easy to get carried away.  My lesson was to slow down because he tells me.  Amen.  ~Karen 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Picnic Collection

Happy to finally be releasing this kit.  It's my first digital creation.  Please let me know your thoughts.  Thank you.  If you are interested, you can go to my website to view the product larger and purchase it.

From September 19, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Writing on the Wall

I've always been a big fan of writing on the wall.  The only options I remember were a sign painter coming in and painting letters on the wall.  Until, Cricut came along!  That's right, Cricut diecut machine.  I love my Cricut because it cuts vinyl really well.  There are special settings it requires you to use.  But you don't have to worry about that because it tells you what settings to use in the Instructions.  You can buy your vinyl from several places and one of them is Circut and the other is Expressions Vinyl.  I use expressions vinyl when I want a smaller quantity than usual, like when you are just writing one word like I did on my walls, Heart.
Email me if you would like to try this technique and have questions.  It was scary when I started, but went up simple and without a hassle.

Here's a closeup and you know you can click on it for a larger photo.  Thanks for looking and leave a comment.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mother Nature - Sculptor

You can click on any photo to see it larger.

Fun on Captiva Island, I was really photoging it up!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Review: Cuban Exiles on the Trade Embargo

Recently published, Cuban Exiles on the Trade Embargo, provides an in depth look at the Cuban trade embargo the US has set up against Cuba.  Edward Gonzalez, a long-time citizen to the United States, gives us this history lesson which is not an American teaching.  Why? Why does the US continue to remain neutral as a country hangs in the balance of disaster?  Why are so many exiles frustrated?  This book takes a look at this and uncovers the roots of Cuba.  It further outlines, with repeated interviews, the impact of the embargo upon each “interviewee.”  It’s a fabulous history lesson, with a sad and gripping story from the perspective of a Doctor, a Priest, an educator, a nun.  When will this nation be released from the grips of Fidel Castro? 

Highly recommend this book; the author did his homework.  You won’t be disappointed. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

design seeds: boarded hues

design seeds: boarded hues: "{boarded hues}"
I love when I stumble upon a color blogsite that is soooo colorfully sweet!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Cuban Freedom - When?

I often wonder about Cuba and what it would be if.....if the USA had not tried to help Cuba.  My brother-in-law has written a book on the history of how the USA has come to be a "big Brother" to Cuba.  He explores the whole theory of the Trade Embargo and questions, has this helped?  Is Cuba better off, and what's the next step.  As many Americans know, there are many Cuban people in Florida.  If they were born in Cuba, they cannot go back there.  They are tied to their country they live in now because the Cuban Reigme will not allow "Cuban-born" citizens to return.  How has this impacted the Cuban people living in America?  They are sad.  They long to return and the regime has made it oh so difficult.  So who is winning here?  My brother-in-laws book outlines this perfectly and is a good read for those wanting to understand how Cuba got where it is now.  I am so moved by this book I wanted to share it with you today.  Here is the link to it.  Cuban Exiles on the Trade Embargo.  The photo I am putting with it is what I shot on the 4th of July.  I've left you to wonder about this husband is Cuban.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Raindrops on July 4th

Just a little rain for South Florida, we are in such a drought right now.  For freedom, for liberty, how blessed are we to have these inalienable rights?  I can't imagine living in another country and being without that.  I'm humbled by what our armed forces do for us each and every day.  The photo below is to remember our WWII veterans at our Nations Capitol.  I love looking at the postcard picture, such a beautiful memory.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Holy Communion Card-Designed by FLA

Print Your 5x7 Photo Card Print Your 5x7 Photo Card
Tell them you love them with Shutterfly Valentines cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Beach Collection Cards

Collection of 8 cards, 5"x7".  Sentiment:  Thank you, Thinking of you, Love You, Happy Birthday 2 of each.  Comes with a matching envelope.   For sale over at my shop.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pirates Life for Me!

Okay, so reconnecting with old friends...found a boy who would like to have a "Party In A Box" Pirates Life For Me.  This will be great because he is going to be 6; the age group I was really designing this party for.  Check out my approval sheets for this fun party and let me know what you think!
contact sheet for stickers and patterns for printables

party invitation - made from Silhoutte Diecut Machine

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions About Salmon - Coastal Living

Frequently Asked Questions About Salmon - Coastal Living
Quick excerpt from this article:  What is that white film on cooked salmon? It’s a protein called albumin (like egg white) that comes from overcooking, usually with higher-fat salmon such as king and farmed salmon. It’s perfectly safe to eat, but can be wiped off.  Click the link above to read more of this great article.

Going Green

GOING GREEN:  I want to tell you about “Going Green” for your interiors.  I spent many years in Chicago studying this only to find out people don’t care.  Well, some people that is.  My sister and brother-in-law have had a difficult time with a house that was full of caustic mold that had penetrated their roof due to heavy rains.  A shrinking economy made it so they could not afford to mitigate the problem, thus they have moved.  My heart pours out to them and their family.  Here are some things you can do to help with being “green” in your home.  1) Choose products that are “formaldehyde free”, you know how to find this information, the manufacturers label.  2) Open your windows more, I know you don’t like bugs, just do it on Saturday’s.  3) use household cleaning products that are “chemical” free, and odor free. 4) If you choose carpeting, please, please, choose carpet that has “green” and environmentally friendly or the “green” seal attached to it.  The reason is, there are carpet manufacturers that choose not to put into their products, caustic formaldehyde and they will tell you, honestly!  Fresh air for our children, clean and organized environments that’s what interior design is about.  Now, call me if you want/need more information.  Your friend – Karen  PS:  If you need a new roof, do it immediately because the water penetration sits in the “plenum” space of your roof and the hot environment creates an “atmosphere” for mold to breed.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Concealed Weapons - It's not a Misdemeanor!

I've been avoiding this subject and now I must spill the beans....Isabella unknowingly, admittedly tried to bring a switch blade through TSA Baltimore during Spring Break.  I know what you're thinking....what?  Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.  Only I was thinking more like what the heck, doesn't she know the world we live in?  I guess the answer to that question is no.  So, we had a talk, and basically she forgot.  Don't you just love when you hear that!  It's really frustrating being a parent and getting that response.  But the truth is, her father bought the knife while on a trip to N.C. for her brother, Ricky.  He gave the knife to Isabella when she left for college.  All sounds harmless, right, read this.

It is unlawful in any state to bring a concealed weapon through security at an airport.  The measure of justice (either 3 years in prison or $1K fine) is dependent upon the type of weapon and how much harm it can bring to another human being.

You will be processed at the local municipality jail until it is determined if you are still "harmless".
Luckily, Isabella was released and allowed to fly the following day, but not without spending time in a local jail cell in Glen Burnie County, Maryland.

Mom's and Dad's, the "boy talk" and "sex talk" should now include the "defend yourself" talk.  Further, Mace is acceptable form of defense and doesn't carry the weight of a "concealed weapon" charge.  Here's some more information: if you'd like to learn more.  Her hearing is June 2nd in Baltimore; I've hired an attorney for her, unwillingly, but for the better.  Will keep you posted....regards, Karen G.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

NEW Layout - NEW Paper

First layout showing my paper and flowers collection.  This collection is entitled "Wicker".
click on it to see it larger

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Layout

I am a sucker for Emily Dickinson's Poetry.  I found this poem and I really wanted to capture the essence of my trip to Busch Gardens and I how I felt spring in the air with the animals and nature.  Hope this layout puts you in the mood....spring is here!
click on it to see it larger.
Wanna know what I used to create this?
Here is the information:
1) created in Photoshop
2) all three photos are mine
3) the bee is from another photo
4) Paper background:  Lynn Grievison @ Designer Digital
(totally trashed line)
5) Pink floral frame is Webster's Pages Digital line
6) White "photo" flashes - Ana Aspens from Designer Digital
7) Font:  Pupcat from (free)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Compassionate Pug Rescue

Bambi by the pool; she's a happy girl!

Good Morning or Afternoon to you!  I wanted to tell you about one of my favorite dog rescues, they are Compassionate Pug Rescue.  This is the dog rescue that I got Bambi from.  Now some of you may know the story of Bambi; but I'd like to tell you again.  Bambi came to us in our life after losing Fritzy.  The children and I were nuturing our feelings about Fritzy because we really loved her.  We waited about a year and saw a really nice article in the newspaper.  There was a link posted and I followed up with them.  Several days later I was filling out an application and being "reviewed" (all potential parents are reviewed).  We were later selected to have a pug in our home!  We were excited but we did not know which dog we wanted.  We were referred to the website and were soon understanding each dog personally.  I could not believe that were so fortunate to help out one of these struggling dogs.  We were prepared and that is what the mission is all about at the Compassionate Pug Rescue.  They are honest and upfront and have a sincere desire to place a pug in your family that fits.  We all have adjustments in life and this Pug Rescue does pug placement well!  Help out your local rescue or this one if you prefer, here is the link: Compassionate Pug Rescue

Have a great day!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Our Cuban Grandmother

Designed by myself for a challenge, I thought this photo was perfect to try out my new kit from Designer Digitals:  Filmed Overlays #4 by Katie Pertiet.  It is a film slide overlay.  My intent was to capture the love between my Daughter and her Grandmother.  This photo was taken with a Nikon D50 Camera at shutter speed 1/200 and F10, 60mm lens. I created this layout in Photoshop CS4 and used several techniques to create the "film" look of an old slide to the photo.  If you would like more information, feel free to email me.  Thank you for stopping by.  (you can click on the layout to see it up close)
the layout

the photograph used

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Party Girls!!!!!

When I found this photo today I almost died laughing.  I cannot believe I have been 10 years or more planning parties for my kids!  It's my pleasure and joy to create exciting parties full of imagination and creativity.  My children are so well adjusted, I just know that my own heart is filled with a sense of accomplishment with this aspect of my life!  Thank you Lord for this gift.....amen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lucky - Email challenge from Designer Digitals

I want to tell you that Designer Digitals is a website based around the digital design and implementation of scrapbooking with computer software.  If it were not for them, I would not have pushed myself into learning Photoshop CS4.  I was completely taken aback when I stumbled upon their site.  They taught me that you can buy, create and submit to their site.  You have a lot of discussion places and learning areas to help you with your software.  A lot of the people that post here are also great photographers!  So, as far as help, you can get it.  Here is my layout for this week's challenge.  The items that were included in the challenge were the flower stem (the stem is in black, you have to figure out how to color it) and taped frame around the photo. I have to say that the effect of colorizing a PNG file is cool.  I really wanted to let the layout and photo speak for themselves that is why I didn't journal.  If I decide I need to say something, hey, no problem, just add it in Photoshop!  Thanx for looking, feel free to post if you would like.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Inspired By Nature - Challenge (March)

Over at the Scrappy Chic Cafe, I've been asked to set up a challenge.  Whoo hoo! This challenge is about nature and how a simple photograph can be an inspiration.  The reason I chose this photograph is for it's composition.  I've illustrated it in my drawing.  As well, I've provided a layout that represents why one photograph can be powerful a message by creating movement throughout a layout.  Enjoy and thank you for looking.  You are welcome to join in the challenge, you will first need to register and become a member of the Scrappy Chic Cafe.  It is a free online scrapbook site that I am in loooove with!  Won't you join me?
The photo that inspired me.

Graphic layout representing the photo that inspired the composition.

12" x 12" scrapbook layout

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Always Believe In Miracles

Believe in your heart that something wonderful
is about to happen.
Love your life.  Believe in your powers, your 
potential and your own goodness.
Wake every morning with the awe of just
being alive.  Discover in each day the
magnificent, awesome beauty of the world.
Explore and embrace life in yourself,
and in everyone you see each day.
Reach within to find your own special being.
Amaze yourself and arouse those around you
to the potential of each new day.
Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect;
this is the essence of your humanity.
Let those who love you help.
Trust enough to be able to take.
Look with hope to the horizon of each new day,
For today is all we truly have.
Live this day like it were your last.
Let a little sun out as well as in.
Create your own rainbows.
Be open to all possibilities.
Always believe in Miracles.
Virgin Mary
The Grotto
St. Paul of the Cross Church
North Palm Beach, Florida

Monday, February 28, 2011

Haircuts Scrapbook Layout

This is a cute layout I did in PhotoShop of my boys!  It was a for a design challenge over at Designer Digitals.  Post a comment if you would like!

Peacock Design by Vera Bradley

This is some of my work for an auction "for sale" place setting for 4. The china is Vera Bradley (retired now) Peacock Design. I was asked to create a table setting for 4. Well, I fell in love with this setting but could not purchase the dinner plates so for the event I purchased from Sears a solid Turquoise w/silver rim place set for 8! It looked beautiful and was a hit. It was my donation with another Mom and we even did "peacock" monogrammed napkins. This photo shows my greeenware with my embroidered napkin. If you would like to leave a comment, please feel free! Thank you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shutterbugs, Cameras, Editing and More

Do you love photography?  I really fell in love last summer when my husband let me break down and get a "professional camera".  It was always me, scrapbook Mama who had the worst camera, or the camera that was almost dying - I had the family hand-me-down. 
I found out that the products I wanted to sell needed good photography.  All the other kids had it!!!! {you know what I mean}.  So, I found a decent Nikon D50 on Ebay.  It was used, being sold by some pawn-selling-husbands.  {you know the ones, their name is something like: pawnbros}  Okay, so I figured their rating made it safe to buy.  Well, they didn't dissapoint, it turned out to be the buy of the season for me! 
The Nikon D50 needs a memory card.  It has built in flash and holds a ton of pictures with a 2MB card.  Probably owned by someone that thought they were getting a "point-n-shoot".  This is not that.  It is manual.  You look through the view finder and  you use your lighting knowledge and you shoot!  It has a lithium ion battery that runs for days.  Still can't figure out why someone would get rid of such a good camera!  Oh well, my gain.
You can play with the settings and have fun with this camera.  The real job is the photo-editing that needs to take place for the world wide web.  This is the meat on the plate.  You have to have a good editing software or you can't function in today's world of scrapbooking etc.  I have three/four softwares I use. 
The first software I want to tell you about is HP Image Zone.  This is sold by Hewlett Packard.  I got this with a camera I had about three years ago.  It's still sold today with all HP cameras.  This is a great software because you do all your cooking in this baby {think Crockpot}.  You resize, adjust brightness, highlight, and crop here.  Highly recommend this software.  Oh, one added thing, Metadata.  Metadata is your receipe card for the photo you took.  What flash and shutter speed.  You will want to know this the next time you take a photo, because well, it will help you take better photos.

This photo taken has been cropped, resized, brightness, and a "logo" that was made in Pixlr Editor.  My number two software I am going to talk about later, stay tuned :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Melody's Art and Soul: Lean on Me

Melody's Art and Soul: Lean on Me: "This is the first layout in a book that I'm making to record my sister Dana's fight with Breast Cancer. She was diagnosed September 21 and w..."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Black Tie Season in Palm Beach

The most famous time of the year is upon me.  That season would be, Black Tie Season.  Every year I pull out my calendar and sort through all the invitations that send me to one of the most fabulous hotels in the Country, The Breakers Hotel. 

I must tell you that to pull up, valet, descend and breathe in the most luxurious of spaces is a treat!  I don't take it for granted, I admire it and wish everyone could see it.  I wanted to create this post today so I could describe for you the joy of attending an event at the Breakers.

The first thing you notice are the interiors, they are exquisite.  Everything is grand, bold and cheerful.  The ladies behind the desk all wear a new for 2011 "tiffany blue" suits.  I won't bore you with all the details of the interiors but I will tell you that their floral bouquets adorning the hallways are as big as my downstairs half bathroom.  I love fresh cut flowers and you will always see many flowers at the Breakers.  If you want to sit down and rest before going into your event ballroom, you can sit anywhere, they don't care.  But when you sit down, it's like sinking into a huge piece of furniture.  Nothing is of "residential" scale, this is "hotel" scale.  I wonder if I will ever design a hotel?  Moving on, when you go to your ballroom, it is a long walk.  When you finally get there, there is a receiving room, or a "drinks" room.  You don't really go into the ballroom until the servers are ready setting everything up.  When you do go in, WOW, it's magnificent.  The table setting is perfect.  Everyone is hugging and kissing and photographing.  It's amazing to see how beautiful table arrangements are.  This year all the tables were done eclectic.  Each table either had tall clear glass cala lillies inside w/floater candles.  Another table had a huge clear vase with a lamp shade and dripping crystals off of it.  It would be shameful if I didn't tell you about the music.  It was a one piece band, singing all Andre Bocelli's songs!  I have to tell you I really enjoyed it.

Before we knew it, they gave out all their awards (no Rick was not a recipient this year), amazed us with "Power Speeches" and we cheered, clapped and ate.  I almost forgot, the food is outrageous.  The chefs are from all over the world and can I tell you "world-class" baby!  We feasted this night on shrimp, filet mignon, and about 50 desserts.  I really needed a girdle after this event.  It was then time to go home, this Cinderella needs her rest.  Before our exit we popped our head out the door to view the "Ocean".  It was raging as usual and their was a full moon.  It was absoultely breath taking!

When we were leaving, the Conceirge took our photo, I was so impressed.  We proceeded to valet, and typical Breakers style, they had the gas heaters outside going. (these are about 8' tall and very powerful) Wouldn't want any precious Palm Beach or European guests getting cold in the South Florida weather, now would we?!  Our Volvo pulled around and everyone said goodbye, that is the ladies huddled under the heater.   Gotta love Palm Beach, gotta celebrate life every day.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stock Photo Download from PixMac

I liked this photo, it's from a stock photo company that has unique images/photos for download for subscription or by the piece.  This unique tree was in their "Free" section.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  Leave me a comment if you like this. 
Exotic Tree on sky background 
<P>stock images #54168373

Monday, January 10, 2011

Greatful Day 10 - Forgiveness

Last year I had the opportunity to explore forgiveness in my life.  I did not realize at the time, but I was really struggling with this one.  It was big, huge, ruining my days.  I decided I had to start with myself.  I had to forgive myself for not being "perfect".  Then I remembered hearing in church all the time, about how we are not made perfect.  We are born with stains on our soul, and the sacrament of Baptism washes that away.  The Lord forgives us of natural sin, and Jesus died for us!  Why can't I forgive myself?  Because I am subborn.  I had become ambivilent to change.  I love change.  I feel it is necessary like honey to a bee.  Why was I so ambivilent?  I must be angry; I must be unhappy.  How could this be?  It was starring me in the face! I was ashamed of this, humbled and desirous of forgiveness.

Being that it was Christmas, a time of birth, renewal and rejoicing.  I chose to unlock a part of my heart and see myself as a person needing to forgive myself and push through the pain, sorrow whatever it was that was holding me back before.  Having received a prompting from my daughter, I took action, and reunited with my friend.  We talked for a long time and realized we were both hurt, but somehow we wouldn't do that to each other anymore.  We were going to forgive!  From that moment on,  I knew I was on the right road. 

I am greatful for the struggles that happen in my life.  I really don't want them, but when I analyze it and reflect, I realize they were there to make me grow.  <3

Saturday, January 8, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Calendar Wallpaper Giveaway!

I have to tell you that I am so happy to see 2010 gone, I rang in 2011 with friends and haven't looked back yet!  Don't have a lot of resolutions, just one:  Be greatful for everything I get this year.  You know it takes so little to say "Thank You", I made a dozen cards that said just that for a lady, and realized I needed to make some for myself.  So, who will you thank this year?  Are you ready; do you have your cards?  Remember, my Etsy shop and my fellow Etsians are here to helpppp you!  :) 

Today you are getting the first look at my digital dreams, a calendar with some of my favorite people.  So here's the {scoop} deal, I am giving this template away.  Since I am new to the digital world, and want to give away my first creation, I will insert two photos of your choice and give you this wallpaper page for FREE!

Here is all you need to do.  1) Post a comment here, 2) heart something from my Etsy shop, don't worry I'll know, even if you want to keep it private; and 3) visit my Creative Memories site and "contact me" from that site by sending me your information.  On Friday, January 14th I will post the winner.  Good luck.
Credits:  StoryBook Creator by Creative Memories software, stripe paper and embellishments, MallyMac&Me, Boho Chic paper, Etsy Digital Artist.  Pickleberrypop, starter pack {excellent freebie} "Andres" letters.  "Fresh" freebie download by Kuoha Designs, Ink flower embellishment (also free starter pack available).  If you want the links to anything, they are here, on my blog, scroll down on the right!